Our Purpose
We are amazed at the pace of economic, technical and social progress. At the same time, we can also see strong centrifugal forces — from the political, ecological and technological perspectives. We are in the midst of a period of upheaval which is bringing the end to a fundamental developmental cycle of the economy, society and management. We believe that we need a new phase of development in which the old is replaced with something new that we don’t yet quite know. We also believe that organisations are one of the key factors for social development. For this reason, that’s where we start:
We remake organisations.
With people who want to develop organisations – so that the world is able to fulfill people’ s needs and hopes both today and in the future.
Together with customers who this also makes sense for, we bring purpose and drive into organisations and society so that our Neuwaldegg successors can still advice on a healthy planet in 40 and in 400 years.