Kaleidoskop „The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Organisations“
Many believe access to more data will lead to ever better decision-making. Daniel looks at what AI really is, what it can achieve, and the potential pitfalls.
Daniel Hulme will outline:
… a framework for understanding data-driven decison making.
… what AI is and is not.
… identifying the future challenges and opportunities for AI.
… how organisations need to change their structure.
… and how these ideas could scale to a planet.
Daniel will discuss with us why we need to embrace these emerging technologies and ethical issues surrounding them.
Our guestspeaker
Daniel Hulme is the CEO of Satalia, a London-based company that provides Artificial Intelligence (AI). He is also the Director of UCL’s Business Analytics MSc, applying AI to solve business and social problems.
Hulme specialises in philosophy, technology, innovation and organisational design. He is passionate about how technology can be used to govern organisations and bring positive social impact. Hulme’s work outlines a framework for understanding data-driven decision making. He understands the capabilities of AI but also the future challenges and opportunities for AI, and how and why we need to embrace these emerging technologies.
Hulme’s expertise also spans both the philosophical and ethical issues surrounding these emerging technologies.
18:00 Ankommen bei Getränken
18:30 Intro & Kennenlernen
19:00 60 Minuten Talk von Daniel Hulme in englischer Sprache
Im Anschluss moderierte Diskussion und Austausch.
ab 20:30 Networking bei Getränken & Fingerfood
Zeit & Ort
20. November 2019, 18.00 – 21.00 Uhr
im Impact Hub Vienna, Lindengasse 56, 1070 Wien
EUR 55,-- pro Person, (zzgl. 20% USt.), inkl. Getränken & Fingerfood
Information & Anmeldung
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Martina Semin
+43 1 368 80 70-12